Update Task

# Task Note Priority Date Type Deleted Status Attachment Action
40 someone can apply more than once, we need to check on Finish if the phone number is registered before in our database, before saving the application or another way, is to throw the applicatin in unfinished list, so that the admin can know this man tried to apply more than once +2 27-11-2022 10:15 am Suggestion Available Pending
36 change the way the cetco appliacation wors, make the application on another portal, so it more flexible and professional discuss together +2 25-11-2022 09:19 am Suggestion Available Pending
35 we need to make new field Company, (Cetco/Centro Mall/....) user can add/edit/delete list employee should be related to compnay. and also application should be related to company. if it is filled from cetco portal or centro portal, or any other and also we should have privilege for employee to see applications for multiple companies +2 25-11-2022 09:18 am Suggestion Available Pending
34 we need to try and make same everything, but only the application guest, on another domain but all info will be sent to this database +2 25-11-2022 09:16 am Suggestion Available Pending
32 we need to add title here, يمكنكم ادخال اكثر من وظيفة سابقة من خلال الضغط على الزر الاخضر w kamn mahal el plus sign, fik tektob be albe, المزيد من الاعمال +2 25-11-2022 09:14 am Suggestion Available Pending View
31 view, print applications should show the new # not the old one, if still unfished, show empty spot also in sms template, it should take the new # +2 25-11-2022 09:14 am Error Available Pending
30 datepicker in list of application and unfisnished, is not working +2 25-11-2022 09:13 am Error Available Pending
29 add phone number to users +2 25-11-2022 09:13 am Suggestion Available Pending
28 add alert when new application, mola7aza from hard copy 21-11-2022 03:31 pm Available Pending
26 uploads change place, page 9 21-11-2022 03:25 pm Available Pending
25 some labels when pressed, scrolls to top +2 18-11-2022 11:12 am Error Available Pending
20 when oressing next in 2nd section, and som einfo are not filled in, then the fields are locked. +2 02-11-2022 12:26 pm Error Available Pending